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American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, San Jose
ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 9
Evidence Matters: Winter 2019
Facts You Should Know About Public Housing,1996
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 3
Evidence Matters: Spring/Summer 2019
American Housing Survey Data Wall Chart 2005
Gateway Housing Program: Report to Congress
Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions
ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 3 - March 2008
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)
Barriers to Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Volume 2: Case Studies
Building Communities and New Markets for the New Century: 1998 Consolidated Report
AHS National Data 1985-89 (CD ROM)
Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *
Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling Unit Specifications, 1987 *
A Report on the Feasibility of Deconstruction
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1993-94 (CD ROM)
American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1990 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)
Random Digit Dialing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Larger Housing Agencies in Preparring Fair Market Rent Comments, 1998
Cityscape Volume 9 Number 2 - Low-Income and Minority Homeownership
Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities: Testing Guidance for Practitioners
U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 2nd Quarter 1998
Affordable Housing Design Advisor
Promoting Self-Sufficiency in Public Housing; Urban Policy Brief No. 3, 1996*
Factory and Site Built Housing: A Comparative Analysis*
A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending
Assessing Housing Durability: A Pilot Study
Annual Performance Plan FY 2007
Annual Performance Plan FY 2005
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1998 (CD ROM)
Better Coordination of Transportation and Housing Programs to Promote Affordable Housing Near Transit
Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors
New Avenues into Jobs: Early Lessons from Nonprofit Temp Agencies and Employment Brokers
American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, San Francisco­Oakland
State of the Cities - 1998
American Housing Survey for the United States: 2007
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1983 (datatape only)
Annual Performance Plan FY 2009
Residential Mobility Programs; Urban Policy Brief No. 1, 1994*
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1982 (datatape only)
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1980 (datatape only)
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action
Cityscape Volume 9 Number 1
U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 3rd Quarter 2011
Cityscape - Volume 24, Number 3, 2022: Covid-19 And The Housing Markets

Sub-Total: $0.00

1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, San Jose1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 91 x Evidence Matters: Winter 20192 x Facts You Should Know About Public Housing,19963 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Evidence Matters: Spring/Summer 20191 x American Housing Survey Data Wall Chart 20051 x Gateway Housing Program: Report to Congress2 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 3 - March 20081 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)1 x Barriers to Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Volume 2: Case Studies1 x Building Communities and New Markets for the New Century: 1998 Consolidated Report1 x AHS National Data 1985-89 (CD ROM)1 x Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *1 x Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling Unit Specifications, 1987 *1 x A Report on the Feasibility of Deconstruction1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1993-94 (CD ROM)1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1990 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Random Digit Dialing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Larger Housing Agencies in Preparring Fair Market Rent Comments, 19981 x Cityscape Volume 9 Number 2 - Low-Income and Minority Homeownership1 x Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities: Testing Guidance for Practitioners1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 2nd Quarter 19981 x Affordable Housing Design Advisor1 x Promoting Self-Sufficiency in Public Housing; Urban Policy Brief No. 3, 1996*1 x Factory and Site Built Housing: A Comparative Analysis*1 x A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending1 x Assessing Housing Durability: A Pilot Study1 x Annual Performance Plan FY 20071 x Annual Performance Plan FY 20051 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1998 (CD ROM)1 x Better Coordination of Transportation and Housing Programs to Promote Affordable Housing Near Transit1 x Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors1 x New Avenues into Jobs: Early Lessons from Nonprofit Temp Agencies and Employment Brokers1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, San Francisco­Oakland1 x State of the Cities - 19981 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20071 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1983 (datatape only)1 x Annual Performance Plan FY 20091 x Residential Mobility Programs; Urban Policy Brief No. 1, 1994*1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1982 (datatape only)1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1980 (datatape only)1 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x Cityscape Volume 9 Number 11 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 3rd Quarter 20111 x Cityscape - Volume 24, Number 3, 2022: Covid-19 And The Housing Markets