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Making Rental Housing Energy Efficient: Guide to Performing Energy Retrofit During Multifamily Property Rehabilitation, 1990*
Minimizing Damage and Repair Costs to Manufactured Homes During an Earthquake, 1996
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 7. Plumbing DWV Guideline for Residential Rehabilitation
Our Home -- Buildings of the Land: Energy Efficient Design Guide for Indian Housing, 1994
Cityscape: Volume 12, Number 2, 2010: Aging in Place
Rental Housing Discrimination on the Basis of Mental Disabilities: Results of Pilot Testing
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 2 No. 1 (February 1996)
Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 4. Guideline for Managing Official Liability Associated With Building Rehabilitation
Assessment of Damage to Residential Buildings Caused by the Northridge Earthquake, 1994
2004 National Awards for Planning the Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award
Operation Bootstrap, Vol. I: Program Administration, 1994
Directory of Information Resources in Housing and Urban Development, Third Edition (Resource Guide), 1993
Evaluation of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Demonstration (HECM): A Report to Congress 1995
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol.1 No. 2 (June 1995)
Report to Congress on the Federal Home Loan Bank System: Summary Analysis and Policy Recommendations, 1994
Methodology for Developing UMAN Software and Prescriptive Package Approach, 1996
Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Desirability and Feasibility, A HUD Report, 1996*
Implementing Block Grants for Housing: An Evaluation of the First Year of HOME, 1996
Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge: Habitat II, 1996*
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 3
Studies on Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 1996*
State and Metropolitan Administration of Section 8: Current Models and Potential Resources, Final Report
National Analysis of Housing Affordability, Adequacy,and Availability: A Framework for Local Housing Strategies, 1994
The Effect of Earthquakes on Manufactured Home Installation, 1996*
Frost Protected Shallow Foundations in Residential Construction Phase II, 1994 *
UMAN: Prescriptive Package Approach, 1996
Innovative Structural Systems for Home Construction: Wood Structural Insulated Panels and Insulating Concrete Forms, 1996*
Rental Assistance at a Crossroads: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs, 1996*
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1980: No. 1. Setting and Adopting Standards for Building Rehabilitation
Rental Housing Assistance - The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs
HUD Guide Specifications for Public/Indian Housing Guide Specifications, 1993
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 8. Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 1 No. 1 (August 1994)
Manufactured Housing: A HUD USER Resource Guide, 1993*
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 2. Approval of Building Rehabilitation
Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions
The Status of Building Regulations for Housing Rehabilitation, 1996*
Operation Bootstrap, Vol. III: Case Studies, 1994
Alternative Framing Materials for Residential Construction: Three Case Studies,1994
American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 2004
Study of the Success Rate of State CDBG Economic Development Loans, 1995*
Working to End Homelessness: A Manual for States, 1991
Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing: A Resource Guide, 1991*
Are You Remodeling a One- to Four-Family Dwelling?,1996,
Guide to HUD USER Data Sets
Nonprofit Housing: Costs and Funding, Final Report Vol. I: Findings, 1993
Innovative Rehabilitation Technologies: A State of the Art Overview, 1996*
Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, First Edition, 1996 *
Beyond Shelter: Building Communities of Opportunity: The United States Report for Habitat II, 1996*
Perforated Shear Walls With Conventional and Innovative Base Restraint Connections
American Housing Survey for the United States: 2003
Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing 1996* (Note: Please limit orders to no more than total FIVE COPIES per month)
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 6. Electrical Guideline for Residential Rehabilitation
Status and Prospects of the Nonprofit Housing Sector, 1995*
Empowerment: A New Covenant with America's Communities. President Clinton's National Urban Policy Report, 1995*
Mathematical Analysis of Practices to Control Moisture in the Roof Cavities of Manufactured Houses, 1996
Rental Housing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Smaller Housing Agencies in Preparing Fair Market Rent Comments, 1998
Proposed Model Land Development Standards and Accompanying Model State Enabling Legislation, 1993*
Nonprofit Housing: Costs and Funding, Final Report Vol. II: Case Studies, 1993*
Making Housing Affordable: Breaking Down Regulatory Barriers -- A Self-Assessment Guide for States, 1995*
Public Housing Homeownership Demonstration Assessment: Case Studies, 1990
UMAN: Software User's Guide Version 1.0, 1996
Public Housing in a Competitive Market: An Example of How It Would Fare, 1996*
Review of Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Programs Administered by HUD: A Report to Congress, 1995
Frost Protected Shallow Foundations in Residential Construction Phase I, 1993*
Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume II of II
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 3. Guideline for Building Rehabilitation
2011 Housing Profile: Charlotte - Gastonia - Conrad, NC - SC - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 9. Guideline for Structural Assessment
HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines for One-to Four-Family Dwellings (Manual and Disk), 1996
Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Second Edition
Promoting Housing Choice in HUD's Rental Assistance Programs, 1995
Providing Alternatives to Mortgage Foreclosure: A Report to Congress, 1996*
American Housing Survey Microdata, 1997
Expanding Housing Choices for HUD-Assisted Families: Moving to Opportunity, 1996*
Operation Bootstrap, Vol. II: Outcomes of Participation, 1994
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1984: No. 11. Guideline for Residential Building Systems Inspection
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1999: National Set (CD-ROM)
Ninth Report to Congress on the Manufactured Housing Program, 1996*
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 10. Guideline on the Rehabilitation of Walls, Windows, and Roofs
Rental Housing Assistance -- The Crisis Continues: The 1997 Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs
Federal Funds, Local Choices: An Evaluation of the Community Development Block Grant Program, Vol. I, 1995
Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership
Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing: Software User's Guide (with three diskettes), 1996
Are You Remodeling a Multi-Family Building?, 1996
Commentary on the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing: First Edition, 1996*
Success in the New Welfare Environment
American Housing Survey 2002 - CD-ROM Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAS) Microdata Files
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (Part 3280) 1995*
Reliability of Conventional Residential Construction: An Assessment of Roof Component Performance in Hurricane Andrew and Typical Wind Regions of the United States
A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 5: Midwest
Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors
Overcoming Roadblocks on the Way to Work: Bridges to Work Field Report
Cost of Accessible Housing, 1993*
Urban Policy Brief #2: Homeownership and Its Benefits, 1995 *
Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: A Report to Congress

Sub-Total: $0.00

1 x Making Rental Housing Energy Efficient: Guide to Performing Energy Retrofit During Multifamily Property Rehabilitation, 1990*1 x Minimizing Damage and Repair Costs to Manufactured Homes During an Earthquake, 19968 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action2 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 7. Plumbing DWV Guideline for Residential Rehabilitation1 x Our Home -- Buildings of the Land: Energy Efficient Design Guide for Indian Housing, 19941 x Cityscape: Volume 12, Number 2, 2010: Aging in Place1 x Rental Housing Discrimination on the Basis of Mental Disabilities: Results of Pilot Testing1 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 2 No. 1 (February 1996)1 x Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 4. Guideline for Managing Official Liability Associated With Building Rehabilitation1 x Assessment of Damage to Residential Buildings Caused by the Northridge Earthquake, 19941 x 2004 National Awards for Planning the Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award2 x Operation Bootstrap, Vol. I: Program Administration, 19941 x Directory of Information Resources in Housing and Urban Development, Third Edition (Resource Guide), 19931 x Evaluation of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Demonstration (HECM): A Report to Congress 1995 1 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol.1 No. 2 (June 1995)2 x Report to Congress on the Federal Home Loan Bank System: Summary Analysis and Policy Recommendations, 19941 x Methodology for Developing UMAN Software and Prescriptive Package Approach, 19961 x Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Desirability and Feasibility, A HUD Report, 1996* 2 x Implementing Block Grants for Housing: An Evaluation of the First Year of HOME, 19961 x Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge: Habitat II, 1996*9 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Studies on Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 1996*1 x State and Metropolitan Administration of Section 8: Current Models and Potential Resources, Final Report1 x National Analysis of Housing Affordability, Adequacy,and Availability: A Framework for Local Housing Strategies, 19941 x The Effect of Earthquakes on Manufactured Home Installation, 1996*1 x Frost Protected Shallow Foundations in Residential Construction Phase II, 1994 *1 x UMAN: Prescriptive Package Approach, 19961 x Innovative Structural Systems for Home Construction: Wood Structural Insulated Panels and Insulating Concrete Forms, 1996*2 x Rental Assistance at a Crossroads: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs, 1996*3 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1980: No. 1. Setting and Adopting Standards for Building Rehabilitation1 x Rental Housing Assistance - The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs1 x HUD Guide Specifications for Public/Indian Housing Guide Specifications, 19931 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 8. Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies1 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 1 No. 1 (August 1994)1 x Manufactured Housing: A HUD USER Resource Guide, 1993*1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 2. Approval of Building Rehabilitation4 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x The Status of Building Regulations for Housing Rehabilitation, 1996*2 x Operation Bootstrap, Vol. III: Case Studies, 19941 x Alternative Framing Materials for Residential Construction: Three Case Studies,19941 x American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Study of the Success Rate of State CDBG Economic Development Loans, 1995*1 x Working to End Homelessness: A Manual for States, 19911 x Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing: A Resource Guide, 1991*1 x Are You Remodeling a One- to Four-Family Dwelling?,1996,1 x Guide to HUD USER Data Sets1 x Nonprofit Housing: Costs and Funding, Final Report Vol. I: Findings, 19931 x Innovative Rehabilitation Technologies: A State of the Art Overview, 1996*1 x Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, First Edition, 1996 * 1 x Beyond Shelter: Building Communities of Opportunity: The United States Report for Habitat II, 1996*1 x Perforated Shear Walls With Conventional and Innovative Base Restraint Connections1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20032 x Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing 1996* (Note: Please limit orders to no more than total FIVE COPIES per month)1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 6. Electrical Guideline for Residential Rehabilitation1 x Status and Prospects of the Nonprofit Housing Sector, 1995*1 x Empowerment: A New Covenant with America's Communities. President Clinton's National Urban Policy Report, 1995*1 x Mathematical Analysis of Practices to Control Moisture in the Roof Cavities of Manufactured Houses, 1996 1 x Rental Housing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Smaller Housing Agencies in Preparing Fair Market Rent Comments, 19982 x Proposed Model Land Development Standards and Accompanying Model State Enabling Legislation, 1993*1 x Nonprofit Housing: Costs and Funding, Final Report Vol. II: Case Studies, 1993*1 x Making Housing Affordable: Breaking Down Regulatory Barriers -- A Self-Assessment Guide for States, 1995*1 x Public Housing Homeownership Demonstration Assessment: Case Studies, 19901 x UMAN: Software User's Guide Version 1.0, 19961 x Public Housing in a Competitive Market: An Example of How It Would Fare, 1996*1 x Review of Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Programs Administered by HUD: A Report to Congress, 19951 x Frost Protected Shallow Foundations in Residential Construction Phase I, 1993*1 x Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume II of II2 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 3. Guideline for Building Rehabilitation1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Charlotte - Gastonia - Conrad, NC - SC - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 9. Guideline for Structural Assessment1 x HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines for One-to Four-Family Dwellings (Manual and Disk), 19961 x Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Second Edition1 x Promoting Housing Choice in HUD's Rental Assistance Programs, 19951 x Providing Alternatives to Mortgage Foreclosure: A Report to Congress, 1996*1 x American Housing Survey Microdata, 19971 x Expanding Housing Choices for HUD-Assisted Families: Moving to Opportunity, 1996*2 x Operation Bootstrap, Vol. II: Outcomes of Participation, 19941 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1984: No. 11. Guideline for Residential Building Systems Inspection1 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1999: National Set (CD-ROM)2 x Ninth Report to Congress on the Manufactured Housing Program, 1996*1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 10. Guideline on the Rehabilitation of Walls, Windows, and Roofs1 x Rental Housing Assistance -- The Crisis Continues: The 1997 Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs1 x Federal Funds, Local Choices: An Evaluation of the Community Development Block Grant Program, Vol. I, 19951 x Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership2 x Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing: Software User's Guide (with three diskettes), 19961 x Are You Remodeling a Multi-Family Building?, 19961 x Commentary on the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing: First Edition, 1996*1 x Success in the New Welfare Environment1 x American Housing Survey 2002 - CD-ROM Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAS) Microdata Files1 x Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (Part 3280) 1995*1 x Reliability of Conventional Residential Construction: An Assessment of Roof Component Performance in Hurricane Andrew and Typical Wind Regions of the United States1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 5: Midwest1 x Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors1 x Overcoming Roadblocks on the Way to Work: Bridges to Work Field Report1 x Cost of Accessible Housing, 1993*1 x Urban Policy Brief #2: Homeownership and Its Benefits, 1995 *1 x Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: A Report to Congress1 x FieldWorks