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American Housing Survey for Milwaukee Metropolitan Area: 2002
Study of the Ongoing Affordability of HOME Program Rents
Working to End Homelessness: A Manual for States, 1991
Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions
Welfare to Work Housing Vocher Program: Early Implementation Assessment, Final Report
2011 Housing Profile: Forth Worth - Arlington, TX - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets
Your One-Stop Resource for Housing and Community Development Research
Quality Control for Rental Assistance Subsidies Determinations
American Housing Survey 2003 Poster (Folded)
State of the Nation's Cities: America's Changing Urban Life 1996
Cost-Saving Construction Opportunities and the HOME Program: Making the Most of HOME Funds
ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 1
Technology Roadmap: Advanced Panelized Construction
Study of the Use of Credit Enhancements by Government Sponsored Enterprises
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database (Diskette), 1996
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Francisco, 1998
Local Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS): A Preliminary Assessment of First-Year Submissions, 1992 *
Redistribution Effect of Introducing Census 2000 Data Into the CDBG Formula
Efforts to Improve Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanics: Case Studies of Three Market Areas
American Housing Survey for the HARTFORD Metropolitan Area: 2004
Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: Rental Assisstance and Crime
Officer Next Door (OND) And Teachers Next Door (TND) Program Evaluation
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Jose, 1998
Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program, Vol. II: Case Studies, 1996*
Evidence Matters - Spring/Summer 2014
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1995: National Set (CD-ROM) *
Do We Know More Now? Trends In Public Knowledge, Support And Use Of Fair Housing Law Febuary 2006
American Housing Survey for the CLEVELAND Metropolitan Area: 2004
Study of Multifamily Underwriting and the GSEs? Role in the Multifamily Market
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1996: National Set (CD-ROM)*
Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve- Summary Report
Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Executive Summary, 1994
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1994: National Set (CD-ROM) *
Office of Policy Development & Research Biennial Report FY 2013-2014
Targeting Housing Production Subsidies: Literature Review
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 3
Preparing for the "Big-One": Saving Lives Through Earthquake Mitigation in Los Angeles, California, 1995
Study on Section 8 Voucher Success Rates: Volume II: Qualitative Study of Five Rural Areas
Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program, Vol. I: Final Report, 1996*
A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending
Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 3 - Native Americans
Public Housing Child Care Demonstration Program: Program Assessment, First Round, 1992 *
Creating Connected Communities: A Guidebook for Improving Transportation Connections for Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Small and Mid-Sized Cities
Technology Roadmap: Information Technology to Accelerate and Streamline Home Building
Interim Assessment of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Program: A Progress Report and Appendices
Intergenerational Housing Needs and HUD Program Options: Report to Congress
Defensible Space: Deterring Crime and Building Community, 1995
American Housing Survey H151 Supplement for U.S. IN 1985-1995
American Housing Survey for the SEATTLE-EVERETT Metropolitan Area: 2004
Guide to Financial Management for Resident Management Corporations, Part 1 and Part 2, 1991*
American Housing Survey for the SAN ANTONIO Metropolitan Area: 2004
HUD Strategic Plan FY 2006-2011
U.S. Housing Market Conditions (four quarterly issues)
Worst Case Housing Needs: 2015 Report to Congress
Housing Finance Working Paper Series: An Analysis of GSE Purchasing of Mortgages for African-American Borrowers and their Neighborhoods
Study of Subdivision Requirements as a Regulatory Barrier
ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 4 2004
U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 2nd Quarter 1999
Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 2 - Asians and Pacific Islanders
Homeownership and Affordable Housing: The Opportunities, 1991
An Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Volume I: Cross-site Report, 1996*
How Much Do We Know?
Family Data on Public and Indian Housing (Computer Package), 1993
Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Final Report, 1994
A Report on the Feasibility of Deconstruction
American Housing Survey 2005 - National Files (CD ROM)
Evaluation of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, Final Report, 1991
2007 American Housing Survey - Data Chart
Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Vol. II: Case Studies, 1996 *
American Housing Survey for the NEW ORLEANS Metropolitan Area: 2004
Evidence Matters - Spring 2015
Escrow Management for Single-Family Residential Property, Phase 2: Report on Servicer Survey, 1992 *
Assessing Housing Durability: A Pilot Study
Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: A Review of the Literature
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action
Regional Housing Opportunities for Lower Income Households: A Resource Guide to Affordable Housing and Regional Mobility Strategies, 1994
Mortgage Aggregate Accounting Software (Diskette) 1995
Evidence Matters - Winter 2015
American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 2004
The Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building Industry
U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 4th Qtr 2005
Combined 2002 National GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Data Set(s) on CD-ROM
Evidence Matters - Fall 2013
Facts You Should Know About Public Housing,1996
Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration Program - Final Impacts Evaluation
Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *
Interim Evaluation of the Single Family Property Disposition Demonstration, 1993*
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)
Study of HUD's Site Contamination Policies
Guide to HUD USER Data Sets
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: 2009
Technology Roadmap: Advanced Panelized Construction - 2003 Progress Report
American Housing Survey for the ST. LOUIS Metropolitan Area: 2004
Smart Codes in Your Community: A Guide to Building Rehabilitation Codes
2004 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State
Housing Research Delivered To Your Doorstep And Your Desktop (Hud User Brochure)
Escrow Management for Single-Family Residential Property: Phase 1 Report, 1991
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (CD-ROM) *
Housing Tenure, Expenditure, and Satisfaction Across Hispanic, African-American, and White Households: Evidence from the American Housing Survey
Analysis of State Qualified Allocation Plans for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
Supplement to the American Housing Survey, 1995
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Providence-Pawtucket-Warwick, 1998
Housing Data Between the Censuses - Issue June 2004
Evidence Matters - Fall 2014
Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve - Highlights Report
Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership
Rental Housing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Smaller Housing Agencies in Preparing Fair Market Rent Comments, 1998
Partnering with the Police to Prevent Crime Using Geographic Information Systems
Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE Design and Construction
Structural Design Loads for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
Evaluation of the HOPE 3 Program: Final Report, 1996
American Housing Survey for the MEMPHIS Metropolitan Area: 2004
American Housing Survey for the INDIANAPOLIS Metropolitan Area: 2004
Planning to Meet Local Housing Needs: The Role of HUD's Consolidated Planning Requirements in the 1990s
Seller Financing of Temporary Buydowns Part 2: Effects on Mortgage Default
Sustaining Urban Excellence: Learning from the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence 1987-1993
Strategies for Reducing Chronic Street Homelessness
Technology Roadmap: Whole House and Building Process Redesign
Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Case Studies, 1994
American Housing Survey for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: 2007
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Rochester, 1998
American Housing Survey for the SACRAMENTO Metropolitan Area: 2004
HUD Energy Action - Energy Efficient Homes For The 21st Century
Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014: American Neighborhoods: Inclusion and Exclusion
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (Magnetic Tape) *
Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Engineered Panelized Walls: Two Case Studies
American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Washington, DC, 1998
Higher Ground: Faith Communities and Community Building
New Madrid Seismic Zone: Overview of Earthquake Hazard and Magnitude Assessment Based on Fragility of Historic Structures
Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual
Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 2, 2015: Affordable, Accessible, Efficient Communities
Assessment of the Availability and Cost of Financing for Small Multifamily Properties
Impact Fees and the Role of State: Guidance for Drafting Legislation, 1994
Creating Defensible Space, 1996
Mortgage Pricing Differentials Across Hispanic, Black, and White Households: Evidence from the American Housing Survey
Urban Entrepreneurialism and National Economic Growth*
Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 2, 2014: Form Follows Families: Evolution of U.S. Affordable Housing Design and Construction
FHA Foreclosure Tapes (25 Microdata Tapes)1995
Evidence Matters - Winter 2014
Rediscovering Urban America: Perspectives on the 1980s, 1993
1998 HMDA Highlights (Housing Finance Working Paper Series), 1998
Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 1, 2014: Housing, Contexts, and the Well-being of Children and Youth
Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 1, 2015: Urban Problems and Spatial Methods
Residential Mobility Programs; Urban Policy Brief No. 1, 1994*
Guide to HUD USER Data Sets
2006 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by State

Sub-Total: $0.00

1 x American Housing Survey for Milwaukee Metropolitan Area: 20021 x Study of the Ongoing Affordability of HOME Program Rents1 x Working to End Homelessness: A Manual for States, 19914 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x Welfare to Work Housing Vocher Program: Early Implementation Assessment, Final Report1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Forth Worth - Arlington, TX - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Your One-Stop Resource for Housing and Community Development Research1 x Quality Control for Rental Assistance Subsidies Determinations1 x American Housing Survey 2003 Poster (Folded)1 x State of the Nation's Cities: America's Changing Urban Life 19961 x Cost-Saving Construction Opportunities and the HOME Program: Making the Most of HOME Funds1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 11 x Technology Roadmap: Advanced Panelized Construction1 x Study of the Use of Credit Enhancements by Government Sponsored Enterprises7 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database (Diskette), 19961 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Francisco, 19981 x Local Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS): A Preliminary Assessment of First-Year Submissions, 1992 *1 x Redistribution Effect of Introducing Census 2000 Data Into the CDBG Formula1 x Efforts to Improve Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanics: Case Studies of Three Market Areas1 x American Housing Survey for the HARTFORD Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: Rental Assisstance and Crime1 x Officer Next Door (OND) And Teachers Next Door (TND) Program Evaluation1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Jose, 19981 x Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program, Vol. II: Case Studies, 1996*1 x Evidence Matters - Spring/Summer 20141 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1995: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Do We Know More Now? Trends In Public Knowledge, Support And Use Of Fair Housing Law Febuary 20061 x American Housing Survey for the CLEVELAND Metropolitan Area: 20042 x Study of Multifamily Underwriting and the GSEs? Role in the Multifamily Market1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1996: National Set (CD-ROM)*1 x Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve- Summary Report1 x Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Executive Summary, 19941 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1994: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Office of Policy Development & Research Biennial Report FY 2013-20141 x Targeting Housing Production Subsidies: Literature Review 4 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 32 x Preparing for the "Big-One": Saving Lives Through Earthquake Mitigation in Los Angeles, California, 19951 x Study on Section 8 Voucher Success Rates: Volume II: Qualitative Study of Five Rural Areas1 x Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program, Vol. I: Final Report, 1996*1 x A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending1 x Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 3 - Native Americans1 x Public Housing Child Care Demonstration Program: Program Assessment, First Round, 1992 *1 x Creating Connected Communities: A Guidebook for Improving Transportation Connections for Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Small and Mid-Sized Cities1 x Technology Roadmap: Information Technology to Accelerate and Streamline Home Building1 x Interim Assessment of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Program: A Progress Report and Appendices1 x Intergenerational Housing Needs and HUD Program Options: Report to Congress2 x Defensible Space: Deterring Crime and Building Community, 19951 x American Housing Survey H151 Supplement for U.S. IN 1985-19951 x American Housing Survey for the SEATTLE-EVERETT Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Guide to Financial Management for Resident Management Corporations, Part 1 and Part 2, 1991*1 x American Housing Survey for the SAN ANTONIO Metropolitan Area: 20041 x HUD Strategic Plan FY 2006-20111 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions (four quarterly issues)1 x Worst Case Housing Needs: 2015 Report to Congress1 x Housing Finance Working Paper Series: An Analysis of GSE Purchasing of Mortgages for African-American Borrowers and their Neighborhoods1 x Study of Subdivision Requirements as a Regulatory Barrier1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 4 20041 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 2nd Quarter 19991 x Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 2 - Asians and Pacific Islanders1 x Homeownership and Affordable Housing: The Opportunities, 19911 x An Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Volume I: Cross-site Report, 1996*1 x How Much Do We Know?1 x Family Data on Public and Indian Housing (Computer Package), 19931 x Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Final Report, 19941 x A Report on the Feasibility of Deconstruction1 x American Housing Survey 2005 - National Files (CD ROM)1 x Evaluation of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, Final Report, 19911 x 2007 American Housing Survey - Data Chart1 x Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Vol. II: Case Studies, 1996 *1 x American Housing Survey for the NEW ORLEANS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Evidence Matters - Spring 20151 x Escrow Management for Single-Family Residential Property, Phase 2: Report on Servicer Survey, 1992 *1 x Assessing Housing Durability: A Pilot Study1 x Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: A Review of the Literature1 x FieldWorks2 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x Regional Housing Opportunities for Lower Income Households: A Resource Guide to Affordable Housing and Regional Mobility Strategies, 19941 x Mortgage Aggregate Accounting Software (Diskette) 19951 x Evidence Matters - Winter 20151 x American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 20041 x The Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building Industry1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 4th Qtr 20051 x Combined 2002 National GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x DISCRIMINATION IN METROPOLITAN HOUSING MARKETS: Phase 1 - Supplement1 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20131 x Facts You Should Know About Public Housing,19961 x Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration Program - Final Impacts Evaluation1 x Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *1 x Interim Evaluation of the Single Family Property Disposition Demonstration, 1993*1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)1 x Study of HUD's Site Contamination Policies1 x Guide to HUD USER Data Sets1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: 20091 x Technology Roadmap: Advanced Panelized Construction - 2003 Progress Report1 x American Housing Survey for the ST. LOUIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Smart Codes in Your Community: A Guide to Building Rehabilitation Codes1 x 2004 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State1 x Housing Research Delivered To Your Doorstep And Your Desktop (Hud User Brochure)1 x Escrow Management for Single-Family Residential Property: Phase 1 Report, 19911 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Housing Tenure, Expenditure, and Satisfaction Across Hispanic, African-American, and White Households: Evidence from the American Housing Survey1 x Analysis of State Qualified Allocation Plans for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program1 x Supplement to the American Housing Survey, 19951 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Providence-Pawtucket-Warwick, 19981 x Housing Data Between the Censuses - Issue June 20041 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20141 x Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve - Highlights Report1 x Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership1 x Rental Housing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Smaller Housing Agencies in Preparing Fair Market Rent Comments, 19981 x Partnering with the Police to Prevent Crime Using Geographic Information Systems1 x Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE Design and Construction1 x Structural Design Loads for One- and Two-Family Dwellings1 x Evaluation of the HOPE 3 Program: Final Report, 1996 1 x American Housing Survey for the MEMPHIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x American Housing Survey for the INDIANAPOLIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Planning to Meet Local Housing Needs: The Role of HUD's Consolidated Planning Requirements in the 1990s1 x Seller Financing of Temporary Buydowns Part 2: Effects on Mortgage Default1 x Sustaining Urban Excellence: Learning from the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence 1987-19931 x Strategies for Reducing Chronic Street Homelessness1 x Technology Roadmap: Whole House and Building Process Redesign1 x Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Case Studies, 19941 x American Housing Survey for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: 20071 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Rochester, 19981 x American Housing Survey for the SACRAMENTO Metropolitan Area: 20041 x HUD Energy Action - Energy Efficient Homes For The 21st Century1 x Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014: American Neighborhoods: Inclusion and Exclusion1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (Magnetic Tape) *1 x Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Engineered Panelized Walls: Two Case Studies1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Washington, DC, 19981 x Higher Ground: Faith Communities and Community Building1 x New Madrid Seismic Zone: Overview of Earthquake Hazard and Magnitude Assessment Based on Fragility of Historic Structures1 x Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual1 x Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 2, 2015: Affordable, Accessible, Efficient Communities1 x Assessment of the Availability and Cost of Financing for Small Multifamily Properties1 x Impact Fees and the Role of State: Guidance for Drafting Legislation, 19941 x Creating Defensible Space, 19961 x Mortgage Pricing Differentials Across Hispanic, Black, and White Households: Evidence from the American Housing Survey1 x Urban Entrepreneurialism and National Economic Growth*1 x Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 2, 2014: Form Follows Families: Evolution of U.S. Affordable Housing Design and Construction1 x FHA Foreclosure Tapes (25 Microdata Tapes)19951 x Evidence Matters - Winter 20141 x Rediscovering Urban America: Perspectives on the 1980s, 19931 x 1998 HMDA Highlights (Housing Finance Working Paper Series), 19981 x Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 1, 2014: Housing, Contexts, and the Well-being of Children and Youth1 x Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 1, 2015: Urban Problems and Spatial Methods1 x Residential Mobility Programs; Urban Policy Brief No. 1, 1994*1 x Guide to HUD USER Data Sets1 x 2006 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by State