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2011 Housing Profile: Cleveland - Elyria - Mentor, OH - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets
Tenant Integrity Program: Training Guide for the Indian Housing Program, 1991 *
The Occupancy Challenge (Videotape), 1990
American Housing Survey Metropolitan H170 Reports, 1984-1988
American Housing Survey H171 Supplement to the U.S. 1984-1988
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 3
Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 3, 2020 - The Moving to Work Retrospective Evaluation
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1994: National Set (CD-ROM) *
American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1996, Sacramento
American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1987 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)
American Housing Survey- Components of Inventory Change (CINCH) Reports (CD ROM) 1985 - 1995
American Housing Survey Tape National, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)
Stock and Asset Management in Public Housing, 1996*
Moving Up to the American Dream: From Public Housing to Private Homeownership, 1996
Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Executive Summary, 1994
American Housing Survey for the SACRAMENTO Metropolitan Area: 2004
Scattered-Site Housing: Characteristics and Consequences, 1996*
Statutorily Mandated Designation of Difficult Development Areas for Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Federal Register 10/21/97)
An Analysis of FHA's Single-Family Insurance Program, 1996*
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (Magnetic Tape) *
American Housing Survey for the INDIANAPOLIS Metropolitan Area: 2004
Cityscape - Volume 24, Number 1, 2022: An Evaluation Of The Impact And Potential Of Opportunity Zones
1994 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 9 Datatapes
American Housing Survey Tape National, 1985 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)
Assessment of the Availability and Cost of Financing for Small Multifamily Properties
Evidence Matters: Spring 2018
Interim Assessment of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Program: A Progress Report and Appendices
Fair Housing Act Design Manual, Revision Sheets (order this version if you have the 1996 edition)
U.S. Housing Market Conditions 2nd Quarter 2007

Sub-Total: $0.00

1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Cleveland - Elyria - Mentor, OH - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Tenant Integrity Program: Training Guide for the Indian Housing Program, 1991 *1 x The Occupancy Challenge (Videotape), 19901 x American Housing Survey Metropolitan H170 Reports, 1984-19881 x American Housing Survey H171 Supplement to the U.S. 1984-19882 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action2 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 3, 2020 - The Moving to Work Retrospective Evaluation1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1994: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1996, Sacramento1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1987 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x American Housing Survey- Components of Inventory Change (CINCH) Reports (CD ROM) 1985 - 19951 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Stock and Asset Management in Public Housing, 1996*1 x Moving Up to the American Dream: From Public Housing to Private Homeownership, 19961 x Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Resource Document: Executive Summary, 19941 x American Housing Survey for the SACRAMENTO Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Scattered-Site Housing: Characteristics and Consequences, 1996*1 x Statutorily Mandated Designation of Difficult Development Areas for Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Federal Register 10/21/97)1 x An Analysis of FHA's Single-Family Insurance Program, 1996*1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (Magnetic Tape) *1 x American Housing Survey for the INDIANAPOLIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Cityscape - Volume 24, Number 1, 2022: An Evaluation Of The Impact And Potential Of Opportunity Zones1 x 1994 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 9 Datatapes1 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1985 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Assessment of the Availability and Cost of Financing for Small Multifamily Properties1 x Evidence Matters: Spring 20181 x Interim Assessment of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Program: A Progress Report and Appendices1 x Fair Housing Act Design Manual, Revision Sheets (order this version if you have the 1996 edition)1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 2nd Quarter 2007