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Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *
AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)
Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling Unit Specifications, 1987 *
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 3
Strategies for Reducing Chronic Street Homelessness
Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Vol. III: Technical Appendix, 1996
American Housing Survey National Files 1980-1983 plus all AHS Files 1973-1983 (WINZIP)
What We Know About Mortgage Lending Discrimination in America
Metropolitan Area FactSheets - May 2013: Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario, CA
Alternative Framing Materials for Residential Construction: Three Case Studies,1994
American Housing Survey National H150 Reports, 1985-1999
Public Housing Management Assessment Program Conference Handout
Cityscape: Volume 19, Number 3, 2017 - Planning Livable Communities & The Family Options Study
A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending
2002 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) Files by Metropolitan Statistical Area on CD-ROM
Scattered-Site Housing: Characteristics and Consequences, 1996*
Our Home -- Buildings of the Land: Energy Efficient Design Guide for Indian Housing, 1994
ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 5 May 2007
A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 3: Mid-Atlantic
The Rehab Guide Volume 4: Windows and Doors
Evidence Matters - Summer 2016
Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Second Edition
Mathematical Analysis of Practices to Control Moisture in the Roof Cavities of Manufactured Houses, 1996
Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors
A Study of Closing Costs for FHA Mortgages
Capital Needs Assessment: Multifamily Rental Housing with HUD-Insured Mortgages, 1992
Evidence Matters - Winter 2014
Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 1, 2015: Urban Problems and Spatial Methods
Evidence Matters - Summer 2017
Evaluation of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Demonstration (HECM): A Report to Congress 1995
American Housing Survey H170 77
Managing Maintenance in Indian Housing, Student Manual, 1996
ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 7 - July/August 2008
Federal Funds, Local Choices: An Evaluation of the Community Development Block Grant Program, Vol. I, 1995
American Housing Survey SMSA Files 1974-1978
Effects Of The Conforming Loan Limit On Mortgage Markets: Final Report
Claim for Fixed Payment in Lieu of Payment for Actual Moving and Related Expenses
American Housing Survey National H150 Reports, 1975-1983
National Analysis of Housing Affordability, Adequacy,and Availability: A Framework for Local Housing Strategies, 1994
The Rehab Guide Volume 9: Site Work
American Housing Survey for the United States: 2003
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 9. Guideline for Structural Assessment
ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 1 - December/January 2008
Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge: Habitat II, 1996*
Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets for 1993-1995 (CD-ROM)*
Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions
Worst Case Needs for Housing Assistance in the United States in 1990 and 1991: A Report to Congress, 1994*
U.S. Housing Market Conditions 2nd Quarter 2008
Cityscape - Volume 25, Number 1, 2023: Housing Technology Projects
The Status of Building Regulations for Housing Rehabilitation, 1996*
ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 10 - November 2009
Cityscape: Volume 19, Number 1, 2017
ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 3 - March 2009
1993 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 15 Datatapes
U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 4th Quarter 2011
Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: Rental Assisstance and Crime
Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Study
U.S. Housing Market Conditions 4th Quarter 2008
Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 2, 2013: Mixed Messages on Mixed Incomes
Cityscape - Volume 14, Number 1, 2012: AMERICAN HOUSING SURVEY
Overall U-Values and Heating/Cooling Loads -- Manufactured Homes (Computer Package), 1992 *
2002 2002 Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets on CD-ROM
Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume II of II
Final Comprehensive Report of the Freestanding Housing Voucher Demonstration, Vol. II: Appendixes, 1990
2011 Housing Profile: Birmingham - Hoover, AL - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets
U.S. Housing Market Conditions 4th QTR 2004
2002 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM
American Housing Survey for the United States: 2007
Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 2, 2015: Affordable, Accessible, Efficient Communities
ResearchWorks Volume 5, Number 10 - November 2008
Cityscape: Volume 20, Number 2, 2018 - The Housing-Health Connection
2003 Metropolitan Statistical Area GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM
American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1990, Kansas City
Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 2, 2020 - Two Essays On Unequal Growth In Housing
Evidence Matters: Spring 2018
American Housing Survey for the ST. LOUIS Metropolitan Area: 2004
Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve - Highlights Report
Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014: American Neighborhoods: Inclusion and Exclusion
Southwest Housing Traditions: Design, Materials, Performance
American Housing Survey For The Chicago Metro Area In 2003
Research Works Volume 3 Number 10 - November 2006
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE State Single-Family Census Tract Data Set for 1996 (CD-ROM)*
1998 Income Limits for "Low Income," "Very Low Income," and "Median Income," National (Printed Copy)*
AHS National Data 1985-89 (CD ROM)
Evidence Matters - Summer 2013
Options for Elderly Homeowners: A Guide to Reverse Mortgages and Their Alternatives, 1989
What Works! In the empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities: Volume III
A Community Guide To Basic And Cost-Saving Construction In The American Southwest
Cityscape: Volume 18, Number 1, 2016: Contesting the Streets
Not In My Backyard: Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing, 1991
The Influence of Household Formation on Homeownership Rates Across Time and Race
ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 4 - April 2008
HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines for One-to Four-Family Dwellings (Manual and Disk), 1996
American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1989 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)
A Builder's Guide to Marketable, Affordable, and Durable Entry-level Homes (MADE) To Last
Random Digit Dialing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Larger Housing Agencies in Preparring Fair Market Rent Comments, 1998
Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 10. Guideline on the Rehabilitation of Walls, Windows, and Roofs
Cityscape: Volume 20, Number 1, 2018 - Selected Outcomes Of Housing Assistance
U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st Quarter 2008
2004 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State

Sub-Total: $0.00

1 x Affordable Housing: Development Guidelines for State and Local Government, 1992 *1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1988-92 (CD ROM)2 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling Unit Specifications, 1987 *1 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Strategies for Reducing Chronic Street Homelessness1 x Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI, Vol. III: Technical Appendix, 19961 x American Housing Survey National Files 1980-1983 plus all AHS Files 1973-1983 (WINZIP)1 x What We Know About Mortgage Lending Discrimination in America1 x Metropolitan Area FactSheets - May 2013: Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario, CA1 x Alternative Framing Materials for Residential Construction: Three Case Studies,19941 x American Housing Survey National H150 Reports, 1985-19991 x Public Housing Management Assessment Program Conference Handout1 x Cityscape: Volume 19, Number 3, 2017 - Planning Livable Communities & The Family Options Study1 x A Study of Market Sector Overlap and Mortgage Lending1 x 2002 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) Files by Metropolitan Statistical Area on CD-ROM1 x Scattered-Site Housing: Characteristics and Consequences, 1996*1 x Our Home -- Buildings of the Land: Energy Efficient Design Guide for Indian Housing, 19941 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 5 May 20071 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 3: Mid-Atlantic1 x The Rehab Guide Volume 4: Windows and Doors1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20161 x Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Second Edition1 x Mathematical Analysis of Practices to Control Moisture in the Roof Cavities of Manufactured Houses, 1996 1 x Rehabbing Flooded Houses: A Guide for Builders and Contractors1 x A Study of Closing Costs for FHA Mortgages1 x Capital Needs Assessment: Multifamily Rental Housing with HUD-Insured Mortgages, 19921 x Evidence Matters - Winter 20141 x Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 1, 2015: Urban Problems and Spatial Methods1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20171 x Evaluation of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Demonstration (HECM): A Report to Congress 1995 1 x American Housing Survey H170 771 x Managing Maintenance in Indian Housing, Student Manual, 19961 x ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 7 - July/August 20081 x Federal Funds, Local Choices: An Evaluation of the Community Development Block Grant Program, Vol. I, 19951 x American Housing Survey SMSA Files 1974-19781 x Effects Of The Conforming Loan Limit On Mortgage Markets: Final Report1 x Claim for Fixed Payment in Lieu of Payment for Actual Moving and Related Expenses1 x American Housing Survey National H150 Reports, 1975-19831 x National Analysis of Housing Affordability, Adequacy,and Availability: A Framework for Local Housing Strategies, 19941 x The Rehab Guide Volume 9: Site Work1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20031 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 9. Guideline for Structural Assessment1 x ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 1 - December/January 20081 x Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge: Habitat II, 1996*1 x Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets for 1993-1995 (CD-ROM)*2 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x Worst Case Needs for Housing Assistance in the United States in 1990 and 1991: A Report to Congress, 1994*1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 2nd Quarter 20081 x Cityscape - Volume 25, Number 1, 2023: Housing Technology Projects1 x The Status of Building Regulations for Housing Rehabilitation, 1996*1 x ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 10 - November 20091 x Cityscape: Volume 19, Number 1, 20171 x ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 3 - March 20091 x 1993 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 15 Datatapes1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 4th Quarter 20111 x Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: Rental Assisstance and Crime1 x Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Study1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 4th Quarter 20081 x Cityscape - Vol. 15, No. 2, 2013: Mixed Messages on Mixed Incomes1 x Cityscape - Volume 14, Number 1, 2012: AMERICAN HOUSING SURVEY1 x Overall U-Values and Heating/Cooling Loads -- Manufactured Homes (Computer Package), 1992 *1 x 2002 2002 Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets on CD-ROM1 x Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume II of II1 x Final Comprehensive Report of the Freestanding Housing Voucher Demonstration, Vol. II: Appendixes, 19901 x 2011 Housing Profile: Birmingham - Hoover, AL - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 4th QTR 20041 x 2002 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20071 x Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 2, 2015: Affordable, Accessible, Efficient Communities1 x ResearchWorks Volume 5, Number 10 - November 20081 x Cityscape: Volume 20, Number 2, 2018 - The Housing-Health Connection1 x 2003 Metropolitan Statistical Area GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1990, Kansas City1 x Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 2, 2020 - Two Essays On Unequal Growth In Housing1 x Evidence Matters: Spring 20181 x American Housing Survey for the ST. LOUIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve - Highlights Report1 x Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014: American Neighborhoods: Inclusion and Exclusion1 x Southwest Housing Traditions: Design, Materials, Performance1 x American Housing Survey For The Chicago Metro Area In 20031 x Research Works Volume 3 Number 10 - November 20061 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE State Single-Family Census Tract Data Set for 1996 (CD-ROM)*1 x 1998 Income Limits for "Low Income," "Very Low Income," and "Median Income," National (Printed Copy)*1 x AHS National Data 1985-89 (CD ROM)1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20131 x Options for Elderly Homeowners: A Guide to Reverse Mortgages and Their Alternatives, 19891 x What Works! In the empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities: Volume III1 x A Community Guide To Basic And Cost-Saving Construction In The American Southwest1 x Cityscape: Volume 18, Number 1, 2016: Contesting the Streets1 x Not In My Backyard: Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing, 1991 1 x The Influence of Household Formation on Homeownership Rates Across Time and Race1 x ResearchWorks Volume 5 Number 4 - April 20081 x HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines for One-to Four-Family Dwellings (Manual and Disk), 19961 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1989 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x A Builder's Guide to Marketable, Affordable, and Durable Entry-level Homes (MADE) To Last1 x Random Digit Dialing Surveys: A Guide to Assist Larger Housing Agencies in Preparring Fair Market Rent Comments, 19981 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 10. Guideline on the Rehabilitation of Walls, Windows, and Roofs1 x Cityscape: Volume 20, Number 1, 2018 - Selected Outcomes Of Housing Assistance1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st Quarter 20081 x 2004 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State