Housing Finance Working Paper Series: Do FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Programs Provide Affordable Housing and Serve Underserved Areas? An Analysis of FHA's Fiscal Year 1997 Book of Business and Comparison with the GSEs (Housing Finance Working P has been added to your Cart
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1 x 2001 National GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x Evaluation of Continuums of Care for Homeless People: Final Report1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, Third Quarter 20001 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1996, Hartford1 x Subprime Markets, the Role of GSEs, and Risk-Based Pricing1 x Housing Finance Working Paper Series: Do FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Programs Provide Affordable Housing and Serve Underserved Areas? An Analysis of FHA's Fiscal Year 1997 Book of Business and Comparison with the GSEs (Housing Finance Working P