Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance


Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 21 x 2011 Housing Profile: Indianapolis - Carmel, IN - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets2 x 1993 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 15 Datatapes1 x U.S Housing Market Conditions 2nd QTR 20051 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20071 x 1998 State GSE Single Family And Multifamily Data Set On Diskette (3 1/2" IBM PC Compatible)1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st QTR 20041 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 4th QTR 20041 x A Guide to Deconstruction: An Overview of Destruction With a Focus on Community Development Opportunities2 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x 2011 Housing Profile: United States - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st QTR 20051 x 2011 Housing Profile: Anaheim - Santa Ana, CA - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Rochester, 19981 x A Picture of Subsidized Households 1998: Supplement on Incomes & Household Members*1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 101 x A Guide to Evaluating Crime Control of Programs in Public Housing* 1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 3rd Quarter 20011 x 2011 Housing Profile: Cincinnati - Middleton, OH - KY - IN - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x U.S Housing Market Conditions 3rd Quarter 20061 x American Housing Survey for the OKLAHOMA CITY Metropolitan Area: 20041 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, Fourth Quarter, 20001 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 51 x A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1997: United States: Totals & Agencies with over 500 Units1 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 11 x 1999 Income Limits for "Low Income," "Very Low Income," and "Median Income," Diskette version (ASCII and Excel) *1 x American Housing Survey for the SEATTLE-EVERETT Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 11 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 41 x A National Survey of Rehabilitation Enforcement Practices1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 3rd Quarter 20031 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 10: Northwest1 x American Housing Survey H151 Supplement for U.S. IN 1985-19951 x Trends in Worst Case Needs for Housing, 1978 - 1999: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs1 x Research Works Volume 3 Number 10 - November 2006