U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st Quarter 2008


2 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 91 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action3 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x Effect of the 1990 Census on CDBG Program Funding, 19951 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1996, St. Louis1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 3: Mid-Atlantic3 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x American Housing Survey Book, 1991, Metro Supplement Tables1 x Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Study1 x Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities: Testing Guidance for Practitioners1 x Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling Unit Specifications, 1987 *1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 7: Great Plains1 x American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 20041 x Final Comprehensive Report of the Freestanding Housing Voucher Demonstration, Vol. II: Appendixes, 19901 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 4 April 20071 x Alternatives to Lumber and Plywood in Home Construction, 1993*1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 6: Southwest1 x Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program: First Interim Report1 x Alternative Framing Materials for Residential Construction: Three Case Studies,19941 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 101 x A Pilot Study of Landlord Acceptance of Housing Choice Vouchers2 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Expanding the Nation's Supply of Affordable Housing: An Evaluation of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program1 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 7 July/August 20071 x Technology Scanning - Finding New Ideas For Housing1 x Annual Performance Plan Fiscal Year 20061 x Cityscape: Volume 19, Number 3, 2017 - Planning Livable Communities & The Family Options Study1 x American Housing Survey for the OKLAHOMA CITY Metropolitan Area: 20041 x American Housing Survey Book, 1991, U. S. Supplement Tables1 x Research Works Volume 3 Number 10 - November 20061 x American Housing Survey for Milwaukee Metropolitan Area: 20021 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 5: Midwest1 x American Housing Survey 2002 - CD-ROM Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAS) Microdata Files1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 81 x Manufactured Homes: Saving Money By Saving Energy1 x Evaluation Of Youth Build Program