American Housing Survey H170 77


1 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Vol. 3, No. 3: Emerging Issues in Urban Development (June 1998)1 x These Old Houses: 2001 (Issued February 2004)1 x 2004 National Awards for Planning the Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award1 x Steel Framed Residential Construction: Demonstration Homes, 19961 x Technology Roadmap: Energy Efficiency in Existing Homes - Volume Three: Prioritized Action Plan1 x Research Maps (R-MAPS) Volume 2: Selected Research Data Sets for 1998, February 20011 x ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 9 - October 20091 x Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve- Summary Report1 x The Importance of Wealth and Income in the Transition to Homeownership1 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20131 x American Housing Survey H170 78 to 791 x U.S. Housing Conditions 4th Qtr1 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 4, April – 20061 x HQS Section 8 Mail Survey Study: Consolidated Report*1 x Cityscape - Volume 23, Number 3, 2021: The Hispanic Housing Experience In The United States, Part II.1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st QTR 20051 x American Housing Survey for the Buffalo Metropolitan Area: 20021 x The Uses of Discretionary Authority in the Public Housing Program: A Baseline Inventory of Issues, Policy, and Practice1 x "Cityscape: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the Housing Finance System II" Vol.6 Is. 11 x U.S Housing Market Conditions 2nd QTR 20051 x Cityscape - Volume 25, Number 1, 2023: Housing Technology Projects1 x Cityscape A Journal of Policy Development and Research. Regulatory Reform and Affordable Housing. Volume 23, Number 1 20211 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 3rd Quarter 19981 x 2002 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x Seller Financing of Temporary Buydowns Part 2: Effects on Mortgage Default1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Denver1 x Better Coordination of Transportation and Housing Programs to Promote Affordable Housing Near Transit1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 71 x 2002 2002 Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets on CD-ROM1 x Evidence Matters - Spring/Summer 20141 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, San Jose1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 3rd Quarter 2011