American Housing Survey Book, 1993, U. S. Supplement Tables


1 x American Housing Survey for the OKLAHOMA CITY Metropolitan Area: 20042 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x American Housing Survey National 1989-93 CD ROM (Revised 2/13/2006)1 x An Analysis of the Effects of the GSE Affordable Goal on Low- and Moderate- Income Families1 x Characteristics of HUD-Assisted Renters and Their Units in 19911 x American Housing Survey for the MEMPHIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x A Blueprint for Action: A Resource for Promoting Home Modifications1 x Characteristics of New Housing: 19961 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 2, FEB 20071 x A Builder's Guide to Marketable, Affordable, and Durable Entry-level Homes (MADE) To Last1 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 3, March 20071 x American Housing Survey H151 Supplement for U.S. IN 1985-19951 x Annual Performance Plan Fiscal Year 20061 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Jose, 19981 x A Guidebook for Measuring Crime in Public Housing with Geographic Information Systems1 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Analysis of State Qualified Allocation Plans for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program1 x American Housing Survey for the SAN ANTONIO Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 8 - September 20073 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Building Communities and New Markets: The 1998 Consolidated Report - Appendices1 x "Cityscape: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the Housing Finance System II" Vol.6 Is. 11 x American Housing Survey for the INDIANAPOLIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x 2001 Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets on CD-ROM1 x Cityscape - Volume 13, Number 1, 2011: DISCOVERING HOMELESSNESS1 x American Housing Survey for the Tampa-St. Petersburg Metropolitan Area: 20071 x American Housing Survey for the HARTFORD Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 10 - November 20071 x American Housing Survey for the United States in 20011 x American Housing Survey for the Philadelphia Metro Area 19991 x American Housing Survey for the SACRAMENTO Metropolitan Area: 20041 x American Housing Survey, 1999, CD ROM1 x A Guidebook for Performing Public Housing Environmental Reviews*1 x American Housing Survey Metropolitan Data on CD ROM, 19981 x Characteristics of New Housing - Current Construction Reports, 19981 x Annual Performace Plan FY 20081 x 2005 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By MSA on CD-ROM1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20031 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x A Community Guide to Factory-Built Housing1 x A Community Guide To Basic And Cost-Saving Construction In The American Southwest1 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 9 October – 20061 x Cityscape Volume 8 Number 2- Studies in Assisted Housing1 x 2005 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by MSA1 x Mortgage Pricing Differentials Across Hispanic, Black, and White Households: Evidence from the American Housing Survey1 x Cityscape Volume 8 Number 11 x American Housing Survey for the Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario Metropolitan Area: 20021 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Providence-Pawtucket-Warwick, 19981 x American Housing Survey for the SEATTLE-EVERETT Metropolitan Area: 20041 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: San Francisco, 19981 x American Housing Survey for the PITTSBURGH Metropolitan Area: 20041 x American Housing Survey Book, 1992, What Is the American Housing Survey?*1 x 1997 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(S) On IBM PC-Compatible Diskette1 x American Housing Survey for the ST. LOUIS Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 5 May - 20061 x Baseline Comparison Report: Congregate Housing Services Program (CHSP) and HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program (HOPE IV), 1996*1 x American Housing Survey For The Philadelphia Metro Area In 20031 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 8 September – 20061 x 2011 Housing Profile: Columbus, OH - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Worst Case Housing Needs: 2017 Report To Congress1 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 7 July/August 20071 x American Housing Survey National Data 1995-1996 Data, Reports & Code Books 1995 National, 1995 Metro, 1996 Metro1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Cincinnati - Middleton, OH - KY - IN - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x A Guide to Deconstruction: An Overview of Destruction With a Focus on Community Development Opportunities1 x Building Concrete Masonry Homes: Design and Construction1 x 2001 Income Limits for "Low Income," "Very Low Income," and "Median Income," National (Printed Copy)*1 x Building Better Homes at Lower Costs: The Industry Implementation Plan for the Residential National Construction Goals1 x American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 4, April – 20061 x Annual Performance Plan Fiscal Year 20041 x American Housing Survey for the CLEVELAND Metropolitan Area: 2004