2011 Housing Profile: Birmingham - Hoover, AL - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets


1 x American Housing Survey Microdata, 19977 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program, Vol. II: Case Studies, 1996*1 x Cityscape: Volume 21 Number 1, 2019 - The Fair Housing Act at 501 x American Housing Survey National Files 1980-1983 plus all AHS Files 1973-1983 (WINZIP)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 71 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1989 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 51 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20172 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20131 x Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 2 - Asians and Pacific Islanders1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20121 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1985 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 211 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x Intergenerational Housing Needs and HUD Program Options: Report to Congress1 x New Madrid Seismic Zone: Overview of Earthquake Hazard and Magnitude Assessment Based on Fragility of Historic Structures1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 91 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Detroit1 x Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 3, 2020 - The Moving to Work Retrospective Evaluation1 x Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration: Program Operations Manual1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Denver1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 31 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Chicago*1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale1 x Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 2, 2020 - Two Essays On Unequal Growth In Housing1 x Testing for Discrimination in Home Insurance1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Charlotte - Gastonia - Conrad, NC - SC - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 65 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 9: Pacific*4 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Kansas City1 x 2007 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By MSA1 x Evidence Matters - Spring 20151 x Cityscape: Volume 21 Number 2, 2019 - National Survey of Mortgage Originations1 x Cityscape: Volume 22, Number 1 2020 - Housing Tenure and Financial Security1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1991 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 11 x American Housing Survey for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: 20071 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 71 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 3 (April/May)1 x Proposed Model Land Development Standards and Accompanying Model State Enabling Legislation, 1993*1 x American Housing Survey National Microdata 1999 Table Generating Data Disk1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 91 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Rehabilitation Guidelines 1986: No. 4. Guideline for Managing Official Liability Associated With Building Rehabilitation1 x Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas: A Report From the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs1 x Empowerment: A New Covenant with America's Communities. President Clinton's National Urban Policy Report, 1995*1 x Housing Finance Working Paper Series: The Multifamilty Secondary Mortgage Market: The Role of the Government1 x Creating Connected Communities: A Guidebook for Improving Transportation Connections for Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Small and Mid-Sized Cities1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1992 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE State Single-Family Census Tract Data Set for 1996 (CD-ROM)*1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1994, Riverside­San Bernardino1 x American Housing Survey SMSA Files 1979-19831 x Cityscape: Volume 20, Number 2, 2018 - The Housing-Health Connection1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1988 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Charlotte1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20111 x Evidence Matters - Spring 20111 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20161 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Vol. 4, No. 1: Multifamily Financing (July 1998)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 3 Number 21 x Summary of HUD Research Series Examining Barriers to Hispanic Homeownership and Efforts to Address These Barriers1 x Redistribution Effect of Introducing Census 2000 Data Into the CDBG Formula1 x American Housing Survey National H150 Reports, 1985-19991 x American Housing Survey 2007 Data1 x Evidence Matters - Spring/Summer 20141 x American Housing Survey Book, 1997, United States1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1999: National Set (CD-ROM)1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1994 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Making Connections: A Study of Employment Linkage Programs1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1994, Milwaukee1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 41 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1989 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Desirability and Feasibility, A HUD Report, 1996* 1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Philadelphia*1 x Efforts to Improve Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanics: Case Studies of Three Market Areas1 x American Housing Survey Tape National, 1991 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20161 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20141 x New Avenues into Jobs: Early Lessons from Nonprofit Temp Agencies and Employment Brokers1 x American Housing Survey Book, 1993, United States1 x Evidence Matters - Spring 20171 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1990 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)1 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 4 20041 x Assessing Housing Durability: A Pilot Study1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Columbus1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, Northern New Jersey1 x Worst Case Housing Needs: 2015 Report to Congress1 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 51 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, New York Nassau/Suffolk1 x American Housing Survey for the ATLANTA Metropolitan Area: 20041 x ResearchWorks Volume 1 Number 11 x HUD Public Housing Homeownership Training Manual...Moving up to the American Dream, 1997