American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Cincinnati, 1998


2 x U.S Housing Market Conditions 3rd Quarter 20061 x American Housing Survey Book, 1992, U. S. Supplement Tables1 x American Housing Survey Book, 1995, United States, Revised1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Facts You Should Know About Public Housing,19961 x Office of Policy Development and Research Brochure1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Guide to HUD USER Data Sets - 20111 x American Housing Survey Book, 1996, A Quality Profile*1 x Recent Research Results April/May 20031 x Evaluation of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, Final Report, 19911 x A Guide to Deconstruction: An Overview of Destruction With a Focus on Community Development Opportunities1 x Evaluation of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Demonstration (HECM): A Report to Congress 1995 1 x Ideas That Work: Building Communities Through Homeownership1 x Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration: Final Report1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1995: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Forth Worth - Arlington, TX - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Dallas, Plano, Irving, TX - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program: Second Interim Report, 1996 1 x Evaluation of Supportive Housing Programs for Persons With Disabilities, Vol. I: Findings, 1996*4 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x National Housing Quality: Quality Assurance System for Wood Framing Contractors1 x Annual Performace Plan FY 20081 x American Housing Survey For The United States 2005 (Book)1 x Empowering Local Communities Through Leadership Development and Capacity Building1 x Factory and Site Built Housing: A Comparative Analysis*1 x American Housing Survey Tape Metro, 1993 (Choose EBCDIC or ASCII format)4 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Family Data on Public and Indian Housing (Computer Package), 19931 x Office of Policy Development & Research Biennial Report FY 2013-20141 x These Old Houses: 2001 (Issued February 2004)1 x FieldWorks May/June 20031 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions - 3rd Qtr 20041 x American Housing Survey CINCH, 1980-1991, United States and Regions, Components of Inventory Change1 x American Housing Survey Codebook, 1997 SAS Files & Questionnaire Draft, Volume 31 x Evidence Matters: Evictions (Summer 2021)1 x Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education: Developing Partnerships to Revitalize Communities1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: New Port News-VA Beach-Norfolk, 19981 x Evaluation of the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, Vol. II: Site Profiles, 19941 x The Location and Racial Composition of Public Housing in the United States1 x Evaluation of the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, Vol. III: Technical Appendices, 19941 x Evaluation of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program: Retrospective Analysis, 1996 to 20001 x 2006 Gse Single Family Census Tract Files By Msa on CD-ROM1 x Housing Research Delivered To Your Doorstep And Your Desktop (Hud User Brochure) - 20138 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance4 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x A Guide to Evaluating Crime Control of Programs in Public Housing* 1 x Multifamily Building Conformance With The Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines1 x A Community Guide to Factory-Built Housing1 x Expanding the Nation's Supply of Affordable Housing: An Evaluation of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Charlotte - Gastonia - Conrad, NC - SC - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Metropolitan Statistical Area Single-Family Census Tract Data Set for 1995 (CD-ROM)*1 x Collaborating for Change: Partnerships to Transform Local Communities, Volume 11 x Expanding Economic Opportunity: Lessons from The Field1 x Evaluation of the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, Vol. I: Findings, 19941 x Evaluation of Housing Performance and Seismic Design Implication in the Northridge Earthquake1 x Worst Case Housing Needs: 2017 Report To Congress1 x Structural Design Loads for One- and Two-Family Dwellings1 x Evaluation of Resident Management in Public Housing, 1992*1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20031 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1994: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Evaluation of the HOPE 3 Program: Final Report, 1996 1 x The Impacts of Supportive Housing on Neighborhoods and Neighbors1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1998: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x AHS Microdata on Metropolitan Areas 1980 (datatape only)1 x American Housing Survey Codebook, 1973 to 1993, Vol. I1 x Expanding Housing Choices for HUD-Assisted Families: Moving to Opportunity, 1996*1 x Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program: First Interim Report1 x Evaluation of the Service Coordinator Program, Volume I: Study Findings, 1996 1 x Barriers to Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing: Volume 1 Findings and Analysis1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions 1st QTR 20051 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Boston, 19981 x HUD's Office of Policy Development & Research Biennial Report FY 2017-20181 x Trends in Worst Case Needs for Housing, 1978 - 1999: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs1 x Tools and Strategies for Improving Community Relations in the Housing Choice Voucher Program1 x Office of University Partnerships Programs and Grantees1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Kansas City, MO - KS - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Columbus, OH - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x American Housing Survey (AHS) Metropolitan Microdata Files - 1974-1983 and 1984-2004 (On DVD)1 x U.S Housing Market Conditions 2nd QTR 20051 x Evaluation of the Service Coordinator Program, Volume II: Case Studies, 1996*1 x Evaluation of the New Congregate Housing Services Program, Second Interim Report, 19961 x Fifth Annual National Preservation Awards: HUD Secretary's Award for Excellence in Historical Preservation, 20021 x Collaborating for Change: Partnerships to Transform Local Communities, Volume 21 x The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling Demonstration: Early Insights1 x Barriers to Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Volume 2: Case Studies1 x Reducing Home Building Costs with OVE Design and Construction1 x A Builder's Guide to Marketable, Affordable, and Durable Entry-level Homes (MADE) To Last1 x American Housing Survey Book, 1994, Metro Supplement Tables1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Cincinnati, 19981 x American Housing Survey Book, 1993, United States1 x Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program and the New Congregate Housing Services Program: Report to Congreess 1 x Office of Policy Development and Research Brochure - 20191 x U.S. Housing Conditions 4th Qtr1 x Study of Subdivision Requirements as a Regulatory Barrier