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Life After Transitional Housing for Homeless Families
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1 x Claim for Rental or Purchase Assistance1 x Claim for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses1 x 2003 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x Interim Assessment of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Program: A Progress Report and Appendices1 x Fair Housing Act Design Manual, Revision Sheets (order this version if you have the 1996 edition)1 x Housing Finance Working Paper Series: Do FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Programs Provide Affordable Housing and Serve Underserved Areas? An Analysis of FHA's Fiscal Year 1997 Book of Business and Comparison with the GSEs (Housing Finance Working P1 x "Cityscape: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the Housing Finance System II" Vol.6 Is. 11 x Life After Transitional Housing for Homeless Families1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Multifamily Mortgage Data Diskette Set for 2000 (CD-ROM)*1 x 2004 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State1 x Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 2 - Asians and Pacific Islanders1 x Durability by Design: A Guide for Residential Builders and Designers1 x Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: A Review of the Literature1 x 2004 GSE Single Family National And Multifamily Census Tract Files1 x Life Cycle Assessment Tools to Measure Environmental Impacts: Assessing Their Applicability to the Home Building Industry 1 x Industrializing the Residential Construction Site1 x How HUD is Doing? Agency Performance As Judged By Its Partners1 x Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase I Annex1 x American Housing Survey for the Philadelphia Metro Area 19991 x 1998 HMDA Highlights (Housing Finance Working Paper Series), 19981 x Evaluation Of Youth Build Program1 x Improving Homeownership Opportunities for Hispanic Families: Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership1 x Housing Choice Voucher Location Pattern: Implications for Participant and Neighborhood Welfare1 x 2005 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by MSA1 x Making Best Use of Your LIHTC Dollars: A Planning Paper for State Policy Makers