1 x Evidence Matters. Housing First And Homelessness. Spring/Summer 20231 x Cityscape - Vol. 16, No. 2, 2014: Form Follows Families: Evolution of U.S. Affordable Housing Design and Construction1 x 2011 Housing Profile: Charlotte - Gastonia - Conrad, NC - SC - American Housing Survey Fact Sheets1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1994, Buffalo1 x Assessment of Damage to Residential Buildings Caused by the Northridge Earthquake, 19941 x Claim for Moving and Related Expenses7 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 1: Local Data for Local Action1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1993, Fort Worth-Arlington1 x Evaluation Of Youth Build Program2 x Evidence Matters - Fall 20131 x 1994 GSE Single-Family Census Tract Set of 9 Datatapes1 x Evidence Matters - Winter 20141 x American Housing Survey for Portland Metropolitan Area: 20021 x FHA Foreclosure Tapes (25 Microdata Tapes)19951 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 8: Rocky Mountains1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1997: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Cityscape: Volume 12, Number 2, 2010: Aging in Place1 x American Housing Survey Microdata, 1985-1989, National (CD-ROM)1 x Cityscape - Volume 14, Number 1, 2012: AMERICAN HOUSING SURVEY1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20171 x Cityscape - Volume 14, Number 2, 2012: Moving To Opportunity1 x 2004 National Awards for Planning the Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1997: United States: Totals & Agencies with over 500 Units1 x American Housing Survey for the United States in 20011 x ResearchWorks Volume 6, Number 5 - May 20091 x 2009 American Housing Survey Data Chart1 x The Analysis of Attitudes Related to the Residential Desegregation of Public Housing in Allegheny County, 1996 *1 x Worst Case Housing Needs 2007: A Report to Congress1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1998: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 10: Northwest1 x Success in the New Welfare Environment1 x American Housing Survey H170 82 to 831 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1995, San Antonio1 x Evidence Matters - Winter 20161 x 2006 Gse Single Family Census Tract Files By Msa on CD-ROM1 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 10 - November 20071 x Evidence Matters. Institutional Investors In Housing (Winter 2023)4 x Evidence Matters: Fall 2023 - Office to Residential Conversions1 x American Housing Survey- Components of Inventory Change (CINCH) Reports (CD ROM) 1985 - 19951 x Cityscape - Volume 13, Number 2, 2011: Rental Housing Policy in The United States1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 7: Great Plains1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Boston, 19981 x American Housing Survey For The United States 2005 (Book)1 x 2003 State GSE Single-Family Census Tract Data Set(s) on CD-ROM1 x Expanding Economic Opportunity: Lessons from The Field3 x Cityscape - Volume 26 Number 2: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance1 x Steel Framed Residential Construction: Demonstration Homes, 19964 x Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning Volume 25, Number 31 x Evidence Matters Factory-Built Housing (Winter/Spring 2020)1 x Evidence Matters: Supporting Homeowners and Renters During Times of Disruption (Summer/Fall 2020)1 x Cityscape: Volume 17, Number 3, 2015: Housing Discrimination Today1 x Family Data on Public and Indian Housing (Computer Package), 19931 x Cityscape: Volume 12, Number 3, 2010: Brownfields1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Houston, 19981 x 2007 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files (2 CDs)1 x Cityscape - Volume 13, Number 1, 2011: DISCOVERING HOMELESSNESS1 x Evidence Matters - Summer 20111 x 2007 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by State1 x American Housing Survey Metropolitan Data 1984-1987 CD-ROM1 x Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume II of II1 x American Housing Survey Metro Book, 1996, Atlanta1 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (CD-ROM) *1 x Evaluation of the Service Coordinator Program, Volume II: Case Studies, 1996*1 x American Housing Survey for the United States: 20031 x The Effects of Environmental Hazards and Regulation on Urban Redevelopment, 19981 x Cityscape - Vol. 14, No. 3, 2012: Residential Mobility: Implications for Families and Communities1 x American Housing Survey for the Tampa-St. Petersburg Metropolitan Area: 20071 x ResearchWorks Volume 2 Number 41 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions: 1st Quarter 20111 x The FY 1998 Budget of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development1 x 2005 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files By State on CD-ROM1 x 2005 GSE Single Family Census Tract Files by MSA1 x American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Cincinnati, 19981 x American Housing Survey 2002 - CD-ROM Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAS) Microdata Files1 x U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 3rd Quarter 20091 x American Housing Survey Microdata, 19971 x ResearchWorks Volume 4 Number 8 - September 20071 x Cityscape A Journal of Policy Development and Research. Regulatory Reform and Affordable Housing. Volume 23, Number 1 20211 x American Housing Survey H171 Supplement to the U.S. 1984-19881 x Successful Mortgage Lending Strategies for the Underserved: Volume I of II1 x Cityscape - Volume 17, Number 1, 2015: Urban Problems and Spatial Methods1 x Cityscape - Volume 23, Number 2, 2021: Double Issue, The Rental Assistance Demonstration And The Hispanic Housing Experience In The United States.1 x American Housing Survey Book, 1992, What Is the American Housing Survey?*1 x Evidence Matters: Spring/Summer 20191 x Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac GSE Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage Data for 1993: National Set (Magnetic Tape) *1 x A Picture of Subsidized Households, Vol. 6: Southwest